The Adventures of Fuego - Super Power Episode 2
In Episode 2 school is out for the summer and Fuego encounters a difficult situation among some of his friends. Everyday decisions can impact boys and girls future in a positive or negative way. It can be difficult to stand up against peer pressure. Fuego has to determine which path he will take. He realizes he has a “Super Power” on the the inside of him to help him choose right! Take a close look at how Fuego becomes an overcomer.
In Episode 2 school is out for the summer and Fuego encounters a difficult situation among some of his friends. Everyday decisions can impact boys and girls future in a positive or negative way. It can be difficult to stand up against peer pressure. Fuego has to determine which path he will take. He realizes he has a “Super Power” on the the inside of him to help him choose right! Take a close look at how Fuego becomes an overcomer.
In Episode 2 school is out for the summer and Fuego encounters a difficult situation among some of his friends. Everyday decisions can impact boys and girls future in a positive or negative way. It can be difficult to stand up against peer pressure. Fuego has to determine which path he will take. He realizes he has a “Super Power” on the the inside of him to help him choose right! Take a close look at how Fuego becomes an overcomer.