Pam White
After teaching children with her husband Robert for over 28 years, raising two boys, and now being the grandmother to ten; Pam White has invested a lifetime in teaching and training children to not only know about God, but to have a relationship with Him.
“I believe that teaching at an early age that God is real, and He loves them is a priority. Children are never too young to know God and learn from the Bible when taught on their age level.” - Author, Pam White
The Adventures of Fuego will help you engage with your
kids in a way that points them in the right direction.
Training kids to encounter God.
EQUIP - adults and children with the necessary tools and resources.
TRAIN - others on the “How To’s” for kids to encounter the presence of God.
SUPPORT - through prayer, connection, and communication.
If YOU don’t have a PLAN to train your children, then someone else will! The world views your kids as the TARGET, God views them as the ARROW.
“Like arrows in the hand of a warrior. So are the children of one’s youth.”
Psalm 127:4 NKJV