Great Imitators

Ephesians 5:1, NKJV, Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma.

Children will imitate their parents. Some of it comes naturally because your genes created them. Some of it is because they spend a lot of time with you EVERY DAY! As toddlers they will wear your shoes, hats, jewelry, and whatever else they can find to dress up in and be like mommy and daddy. It’s like looking in the mirror sometimes as you look at them, you see “YOU” in their temperaments, their conversations, and their mannerisms. Sometimes it is an “Oh NO!” instead of an “Awwwww…aren’t they cute!” It should cause you to look at yourself, ask the Lord to help you change the things you don’t want to unknowingly pass on to your children. YOU FIRST should be imitators of God by spending time with Him DAILY, and it will be passed on to your children. It’s CAUGHT more than TAUGHT! When we spend time in the presence of God and in His Word, (the Bible), we become more like Him, we begin naturally imitating Him, because we have spent more time with Him, than watching TV, playing video games, or taking naps every day. There’s ALWAYS room for growth, we NEVER stop learning and growing in the things of God! It will be a lifelong journey.


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